

我有一朋友,养了一只小土狗,很可爱但很傻。 一天他和我一起去买罐头,在超市里他看见一只很帅的小拉布拉多,就过去逗它“真漂亮!想不想吃罐头啊?” 小拉拉看着他很友善的摇了摇头。 “那你想不想和我们一起去玩啊?” 小拉拉还是摇了摇头。 我朋友说:“那你肯定不喜欢吃这个罐头了吧。”说着拿起来就要往它嘴里塞。 这时拉拉主人拦住他说:“别以为拉拉不识好歹,它只是不愿意和你走而已……”

所以哈士奇的三火是天生性格使然,并不是品种不纯或者有什么隐疾。这货就是天生的傻开心! 二哈的原产地西伯利亚气候寒冷,环境恶劣。

幼犬时期如果没有足够的训练和大脑刺激,很容易变成傻憨憨。 就像我家二哈,一开始特别聪明,什么都会。后来慢慢长大了,反而不喜欢学习了……哪怕你拿着食盆给它奖励,也不愿意配合你做出反应。哪怕是刚买的玩具,你逗它喜欢,它也不屑一顾。




“Husky with a red and black head, the so-called “tri-color” is one of the rarest variations.The rarity has earned it some very expensive price tags on the pet store market, while its looks have been called beautiful by many admirers --- in fact Husky experts consider this an extremely well balanced color variation that’s easy to recognize from a distance as being right for your home.

The Huskies’ eyes are amber, though there can be slight differences, like light or dark brown. The ears stand up high, pointing outward at a forty five degree angle;the muzzle is long and narrow, forming an almost triangular face.

This is what makes the dogs look so friendly! You won’t find any of these features missing on the dog you see coming down the street. There're also white markings around the neck and chest, but nothing too distracting will spoil the overall picture. Of course, if you want even more hair color choices, you could always order your puppies directly from America where all of them are bred outdoors and therefore come with furry coats full of different types of hair, short/long/curly/straight, with various shades ranging from tan/golden to silver/creamy white. And don’t forget those trademarked blue eyes!
